

Looking for a time-tested, natural solution to remove unwanted hair? If so, you may want to consider waxing. Our dedicated team at MorLipps Aesthetics offers waxing services from your brows to your toes, so you don’t have to deal with shaving or stubble. Enjoy silky smooth skin for weeks at a time!



Looking for a time-tested, natural solution to remove unwanted hair? If so, you may want to consider waxing. Our dedicated team at MorLipps Aesthetics offers waxing services from your brows to your toes, so you don’t have to deal with shaving or stubble. Enjoy silky smooth skin for weeks at a time!

Waxing - An Overview

Waxing involves applying hot wax to unwanted hair, then removing it to extract the hairs from their follicles. Using hot wax opens up the pores, allowing us to remove all your unwanted hair in one go. The natural hair removal solution delivers smooth and supple skin that can last for weeks. 

Waxing is ideal for removing unwanted hair from your face or body. From creating flawless eyebrows to removing unwanted hair from the upper lip, chin, underarms, arms, legs, back, and bikini area, waxing may be the perfect solution for you. 

What Are the Benefits of Waxing?

Waxing offers numerous benefits. Removing the hair from the root leaves an incredibly smooth finish. No more dealing with post-shaving rash, cuts, stubbles, itching, ingrown hairs, or missed areas. Better yet, with repeated treatments, you’ll find that your hairs are thinner and finer with sparser coverage. Aside from removing unwanted hair, waxing gently exfoliates the top layer of dead skin cells and impurities, improving your skin health and radiance.

Preparing for a Waxing Appointment

Make sure your hair is the ideal length for waxing. It is also helpful to exfoliate with a loofah or exfoliating gloves to enhance your treatment experience. If this is your first waxing appointment, let us know, and we will make sure you know what to expect. 

Waxing Aftercare

After your waxing appointment, keep the treatment area protected from direct sunlight for at least 12 hours, as your skin may be more sensitive to UV rays. Avoid hot showers or baths, swimming in community pools, activities that increase perspiration, or applying lotions or creams for at least 24 hours. If you have any questions, make sure to let us know.

Download our pre and post procedures

The frequency of your waxing appointments will depend on the area of treatment and how fast your hairs grow back. Most people find that the face, bikini area, or underarms need waxing every two to three weeks. The legs, on the other hand, can usually go 3-5 weeks between waxing sessions. Ideally, you should schedule your waxing sessions when your hairs are between ¼ inch and ½ inch long.

We typically start your waxing appointment by prepping your skin to ensure it is clean and ready for treatment. Next, our experienced provider will apply the hot wax to the area and remove it along with your unwanted hair. The last step is removing any remaining wax, cleaning the area, then applying soothing skincare products. 

The entire waxing process usually takes less than an hour to complete, depending on the treatment area. You may feel some discomfort during the procedure, but you will find that the results are well worth it.

Waxing Near Me in Masontown, PA

Visit MorLipps Aesthetics to learn more about our full-face and body waxing services. We are committed to providing expert care with your comfort in mind. After seeing the benefits of waxing, we are confident you’ll never want to reach for your razor again. Call us at 724-952-1013 or complete our online form to request your appointment today!

Keep in mind that treatment results may vary from person to person.