

SkinPen microneedling is an innovative treatment that can transform your complexion regardless of age, gender, or skin type. From the most subtle signs of aging to mild skin laxity or unsightly scars and stretch marks, SkinPen microneedling delivers real, lasting results. Visit Essence of Allure Med Spa to learn more about the secret to ageless skin.



SkinPen microneedling is an innovative treatment that can transform your complexion regardless of age, gender, or skin type. From the most subtle signs of aging to mild skin laxity or unsightly scars and stretch marks, SkinPen microneedling delivers real, lasting results. Visit Essence of Allure Med Spa to learn more about the secret to ageless skin.

SkinPen Microneedling - An Overview

SkinPen is the first FDA-approved microneedling device. Also known as collagen induction therapy, microneedling involves the use of tiny needles called microneedles that penetrate the skin at a microscopic level, creating thousands of micro-injuries in the dermis. That triggers the body’s repair mechanisms, boosting collagen and elastin production and repairing the skin at the cellular level. SkinPen comes with adjustable-length needles to allow for fully customizable treatments.

What Can SkinPen Microneedling Do for You?

The SkinPen microneedling system addresses a range of skin imperfections. It softens fine lines and wrinkles, tightens loose skin, smooths away acne scars and stretch marks, shrinks enlarged pores, and virtually erases age spots, sun damage, melasma, and hyperpigmentation. 

SkinPen microneedling improves the skin’s elasticity, minimizes blotchy and uneven skin tone, and improves the quality and radiance of your skin. The innovative treatment delivers a beautifully healthy, smooth, and even complexion. 

What Can You Expect During SkinPen Microneedling?

SkinPen microneedling is a virtually painless procedure. Depending on the treatment area, we may apply a numbing cream for your comfort. 

Microneedling with the SkinPen usually takes about 30 minutes to complete. Our experienced providers will apply the SkinPen to the treatment area, moving it around in a methodical fashion. SkinPen treatments are fully customizable and are safe for use on even the most delicate areas around the eyes and mouth. Most individuals report a slight vibration sensation as the SkinPen glides over the skin, working its magic.

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SkinPen offers dramatic skin rejuvenation without minimal to no downtime. Immediately after treatment, your skin may appear red, similar to a mild sunburn. Your skin will likely be pink the next day, but you can put on your makeup and go about your daily activities.

Most individuals see improvement in their skin’s health and overall appearance after a treatment or two. As the natural collagen and elastin production continues, your skin will continue to show improvement for 6-12 months after treatment. 

The number of treatments you require will depend on your unique needs. Most individuals require 3-6 SkinPen microneedling sessions followed by a customized skin care regimen. Regular treatments will ensure you maintain your healthy, radiant complexion.

SkinPen Microneedling Near Me in Masontown, PA

Contact Essence of Allure Med Spa to learn more about SkinPen microneedling, your key to virtually flawless skin. No matter your cosmetic concerns, we have the solution for you. Are you ready for your best skin ever? Call us at 724-952-1013 or complete our online form to request your appointment today!

Keep in mind that treatment results may vary from person to person.